71.   The State Department also advised caution to Americans traveling to the Malaysian state of Sabah.

72.   While depleted uranium fears spread, others advised caution.

73.   An analyst with a foreign brokerage firm advised caution, saying that prices of B shares were high and that the market was quite speculative.

74.   But it advised caution in use of the latest cocktails of three anti-protease molecules.

75.   The Piacenza prosecutor advised caution in interpreting the results, saying that other reasons for the crash should be considered.

v. + caution >>共 145
exercise 26.16%
urge 19.51%
use 8.65%
express 6.43%
advise 5.36%
throw 5.08%
counsel 1.79%
show 1.36%
voice 1.29%
preach 1.14%
advise + n. >>共 452
government 7.13%
client 5.71%
company 5.58%
caution 4.65%
people 3.23%
president 2.36%
student 1.43%
patient 1.43%
woman 1.36%
official 1.30%
每页显示:    共 75