71.   It is known that the Bush administration had urged Russia not to extend diplomatic recognition to the northern alliance as the post-Taliban government.

72.   Meanwhile, the Clinton administration urged Syria, the powerbroker in Lebanon, to help deter violence by Hezbollah.

73.   Mostly in private, the administration urged Egypt and Jordan to pursue a diplomatic overture to Israel and the Palestinians that would halt their confrontation and reopen negotiations.

74.   Nevertheless, the Clinton administration was urging that military action be taken.

75.   Responding to another breakdown in peace talks, the Bush administration Tuesday urged Israel and the Palestinians to keep negotiating terms of a settlement while trying to curb violence.

76.   Successive U.S. administrations have urged New Zealand to drop the policy, but Clark said last week she had no intention to do so.

77.   The administration has been urging both to sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and to exercise restraint in other ways.

78.   The administration is urging goverments to freeze the assets in banks within their borders.

79.   The Bush administration has urged African countries to work toward establishing solid credit ratings, in order to reduce risk and encourage investment.

80.   The Bush administration is urging Arafat and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel to halt eight months of fighting, unconditionally.

n. + urge >>共 790
official 8.71%
leader 6.49%
group 5.48%
government 4.78%
report 2.25%
administration 1.92%
president 1.64%
authority 1.56%
minister 1.47%
police 1.39%
administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
say 5.67%
have 3.46%
take 2.29%
want 2.24%
try 1.81%
make 1.59%
seek 1.59%
oppose 1.53%
consider 1.45%
urge 0.69%
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