71.   The ads will feature comics that are high-technology-oriented.

72.   The ad features a relaxed Bush talking about some of the education programs he has promoted in Texas.

73.   The ad features both grainy footage of Villaraigosa and a crack cocaine pipe, images that imply he coddles drug dealers.

74.   The ads feature a young diverse crew including the offspring of Donald Trump and Sidney Poitier.

75.   The ads feature athletes from a wide range of ages, races and skill levels, engaged in sports from everything to gymnastics to basketball to skateboarding.

76.   The ads feature illustrations by Francois Chalet.

77.   The ads feature their favorite campaign whipping boy, House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia.

78.   The ads feature top executives vowing to set things right.

79.   The ads feature top executives.

80.   The ads feature Vacco lecturing about the perils of teen-agers smoking.

n. + feature >>共 1035
show 4.17%
ad 3.14%
game 2.93%
site 2.47%
event 1.80%
film 1.64%
program 1.50%
series 1.11%
campaign 1.08%
festival 1.06%
ad + v. >>共 511
be 20.80%
run 5.76%
show 5.28%
feature 4.58%
appear 4.07%
begin 2.32%
say 1.99%
have 1.85%
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每页显示:    共 135