71.   The Dayton accord called for a decision by next Saturday on the final status of Brcko, a northeastern city on the Sava River, just across from Croatia.

72.   The Dayton accord calls for war refugees to be free to return to their homes.

73.   The Chechen peace accord calls for the republic to be run by a coalition government that has not yet been formed.

74.   The Dayton peace accord called for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from the country.

75.   The doctors said the accord called for the firings to stop.

76.   The interim accords call for one more transfer of territory.

77.   The July accord called for Chechen rebels to disarm and for Russia to withdraw most of its troops from the tiny southern republic.

78.   The Israel-PLO accord calls for three more withdrawals in six-month intervals after the Palestinian elections.

79.   The peace accord called for a joint Catholic-Protestant government.

80.   The peace accord calls for elections by fall, followed by a power-sharing arrangement.

n. + call >>共 869
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accord 0.63%
accord + v. >>共 388
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