61.   In his six years at the US Department of Agriculture, he worked to get new immigrant farmers the basics, such as access to USDA loans.

62.   In the coming days, reconnaissance parties from the contributing nations will arrive, followed by a force that will work to get Kabul International Airport functioning.

63.   In trying to cut costs, many banks are working to get clients to bank electronically.

64.   Industry representatives contend the law is working to get generics on the market faster.

65.   It is working to get more sites added to the Net content delivery service, which would generate new revenues.

66.   It widened when he was asked how many hours he worked to get the necklace.

67.   Just in case their request is not honored, Cubas said, he is working to get the players into another country.

68.   Kennon joined a network of people working to get Congress to close the school.

69.   Meanwhile, Allen, the single mom from Dayton, works to get her GED and wonders whether help will reach struggling people in her neighborhood.

70.   Many were elected on promises to work to get things done in Congress such as balancing the federal budget, streamlining government and reforming the tax system.

v. + get >>共 732
do 7.94%
work 7.35%
fight 3.81%
rush 3.58%
can 3.14%
be 2.36%
use 2.28%
figure 1.96%
out 1.38%
lie 1.22%
work + v. >>共 921
improve 3.71%
get 3.15%
make 3.09%
keep 2.48%
help 2.09%
develop 1.96%
bring 1.64%
reduce 1.59%
build 1.50%
restore 1.50%
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