61.   The United Nations prepared Sunday to withdraw peacekeepers from the government-held Gorazde enclave and Bosnian officials said the soldiers were free to leave.

62.   They would help mount, if necessary, a NATO operation to withdraw United Nations peacekeepers.

63.   Threats that the peacekeepers could be withdrawn adds to the pressure on the Muslim-led government.

64.   U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said Thursday withdrawing U.N. peacekeepers from Croatia would damage peace prospects and urged the former Yugoslav republic to reconsider the move.

65.   U.N. officials say it would take about three months to withdraw the peacekeepers once their authorization expired.

66.   U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Thursday recommended withdrawing all peacekeepers in Croatia except those monitoring a small eastern area still controlled by rebel Serbs.

67.   While the United Nations wants to withdraw its peacekeepers from the eastern Muslim enclave, the Sarajevo government is dragging its feet on letting them go.

68.   While no countries have withdrawn peacekeepers over the issue, several have said they would have to review their peacekeeping commitments, the official said.

69.   Foreign ministry secretary Farooq Sobhan hinted that Bangladesh peacekeepers could be withdrawn if they faced a serious risk.

70.   France threatened Saturday to withdraw its peacekeepers from the former Yugoslavia after snipers killed two of its soldiers here in two days.

v. + peacekeeper >>共 266
kill 7.70%
send 6.03%
withdraw 4.81%
wound 4.81%
protect 4.02%
deploy 3.97%
injure 3.68%
attack 2.06%
accuse 1.81%
evacuate 1.62%
withdraw + n. >>共 651
troop 14.59%
support 6.91%
money 5.53%
force 5.05%
offer 2.56%
ambassador 2.15%
name 2.09%
application 1.61%
candidacy 1.59%
peacekeeper 1.47%
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