61.   Sidran portrays himself as someone willing to take a stand.

62.   Slick seems to be a practical kind of artist, willing to take advice from someone monitoring the commercial end.

63.   She said she realized she had to be more assertive, more willing to take over a game.

64.   Smith struggled to arrange acceptable trades for the two stars because there were almost no teams willing to take on their contracts.

65.   She then directed the benevolent collector to others willing to take the meals.

66.   So, far, Bakalis is the only prominent Democrat willing to take on the incumbent publicly.

67.   Sidran, however, portrays himself as someone willing to take a stand.

68.   Stevens succeeded spectacularly at his three careers by combining the unflappable air of an ambassador with the heart of a gambler willing to take bold risks.

69.   Supposedly there is one club willing to take Justice, who often sparred with former Cleveland Manager Mike Hargrove.

70.   Temporary staffing agencies go to extraordinary lengths to locate and retain workers for their clients, especially those willing to take low-paying jobs.

v. + take >>共 578
will 6.42%
resign 5.45%
be 4.96%
arrive 3.60%
use 2.77%
rush 2.38%
opt 2.33%
position 1.90%
return 1.85%
stop 1.75%
will + v. >>共 684
pay 4.69%
take 4.48%
become 4.21%
cut 4.04%
do 2.04%
make 1.97%
be 1.90%
come 1.73%
work 1.39%
go 1.29%
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