61.   Every weekday morning, as the streets of downtown Nairobi begin to fill with people heading to work, Pius Muiru brings miracles to the Odeon cinema.

62.   Fein said Burns goes every weekday morning to the office he has maintained at a mid-Hollywood studio for four decades.

63.   He goes to work in a motorcade most weekday mornings.

64.   He drives to work in a motorcade most weekday mornings.

65.   Odyssey has found its two-hour block of religious programming each weekday morning off-putting to many young viewers, Loesch said.

66.   On a recent weekday morning, municipal worker Didier Louvet handed out the little bags and accompanying leaflets on the avenue Bourdon, next to the trendy Bastille area.

67.   Reuters NewMedia Inc. plans to provide a video news summary of up to five minutes each weekday morning and additional reports as warranted during the day over service.

68.   The president is believed to spend most nights at his country dacha outside Moscow, going to the Kremlin by motorcade on weekday mornings.

69.   The president is believed to spend most nights at his country dacha outside Moscow and travel to the Kremlin by motorcade on weekday mornings.

70.   Yeltsin is believed to spend most nights at his country dacha outside Moscow, going to the Kremlin by motorcade on weekday mornings.

n. + morning >>共 112
weekday 16.51%
winter 14.15%
spring 9.91%
summer 8.49%
sun 6.60%
weekend 4.25%
hour 4.01%
week 3.77%
fall 2.83%
election 1.18%
weekday + n. >>共 100
morning 23.10%
afternoon 15.84%
lunch 3.96%
evening 3.30%
night 3.30%
game 1.98%
paper 1.98%
meal 1.65%
crowd 1.65%
schedule 1.65%
每页显示:    共 70