61.   Mulching is also a good idea, if the weather turns hot and dry.

62.   Not only has the weather turned perfect for riding, but the thriving industry is serving up a host of new models.

63.   Normal people hunker down in their homes when the weather turns funky.

64.   Now the weather has turned against corn.

65.   Now the weather has turned preternaturally cold, and there is not even the plumbing to look forward to in the morning.

66.   Nothing about Super XXXIV registered in that way and not just because the weather turned frigid and the NFL Hype Machine got ratcheted down.

67.   Now that the weather has turned for the better, check out some of these younger people as they exercise, half-naked, along the Charles.

68.   On the import side, oil prices, which had risen following the harsh winter, have moderated as the weather turned milder and refineries caught up with demand.

69.   Once the weather turns cooler.

70.   People make fewer car trips as the weather turns cooler.

n. + turn >>共 1351
thing 1.66%
people 1.66%
company 1.51%
investor 1.01%
government 0.95%
tide 0.94%
market 0.82%
man 0.80%
official 0.78%
weather 0.77%
weather + v. >>共 516
be 26.62%
turn 2.76%
force 2.58%
continue 2.53%
permit 2.42%
cover 2.37%
improve 1.83%
make 1.81%
prevent 1.76%
persist 1.68%
每页显示:    共 167