61.   They wear baseball caps with the company logo at identical jaunty angles and both teeter on stiletto heels that leave pockmarks in the showroom floor.

62.   This time, he was getting a tutorial from a kid who wore his cap backward.

63.   They, and any other boys at club clinics, are not allowed to wear caps with bills pointed backward, or earrings.

64.   Though it wears several caps, the space serves its multiple purposes with singular comfort.

65.   Turner, wearing a cap, can be seen in contemporary photographs of the front lines of marchers.

66.   Two of them wear baseball caps with U.S.A. on them.

67.   Wallpaper border with teddy bears wearing sleeping caps traces its way across the midsection of all four walls.

68.   Wearing his cap backward, a la Ken Griffey, Woods stuck around to root for his teammates, but most of the time he was by himself.

69.   Wearing these caps has resulted in their becoming soiled and in need of cleaning.

70.   Wearing caps crowned with a few tall waving feathers, the men began by bursting onto the stage and into the audience.

v. + cap >>共 336
wear 7.99%
tip 5.84%
put 5.64%
impose 4.50%
remove 3.36%
have 3.09%
place 2.75%
lift 2.48%
raise 2.42%
doff 2.28%
wear + n. >>共 693
uniform 4.61%
clothes 3.76%
mask 2.90%
helmet 2.52%
suit 2.24%
glove 2.19%
hat 2.04%
shoe 1.70%
glass 1.65%
clothing 1.48%
cap 0.84%
每页显示:    共 118