61.   The weapons figures became an issue because peace accord envisions a step-by-step process in which weapon caches are handed over in exchange for political changes accepted by the parliament.

62.   The U.S. soldiers also found a small weapons cache Tuesday, the statement said.

63.   The weapons figures became an issue because the peace accord envisions a step-by-step process in which weapon caches are handed over in exchange for political reforms.

64.   They found a large weapons cache in their possession, the Belgrade daily Politika reported.

65.   They have seized weapons caches.

66.   They seized four farm compounds without a shot fired and uncovered a suspected al-Qaida weapons cache.

67.   Those units have been searching out and destroying weapons caches and other infrastructure that the Taliban and al-Qaida left behind.

68.   Troops found a weapons cache, including an Uzi submachine gun, grenades, two pistols and three wigs.

69.   Weapons cache found in Afghanistan where Operation Anaconda took place.

70.   With few fighters to be found, troops have been turning up weapons caches.

n. + cache >>共 40
arm 43.71%
weapon 30.42%
ammunition 5.59%
explosive 2.45%
rebel 2.45%
drug 1.75%
memory 1.40%
militia 0.70%
treasure 0.70%
browser 0.35%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
cache 1.18%
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