61.   Those voters cast their ballots weeks before the election, and the absentee vote was against the stadium.

62.   Those are ballots that were cast by voters who encountered voting-machine malfunctions at their polling places.

63.   This voter cast a ballot for Mandella last year but must defer to Hine this time.

64.   Throughout the impeachment, the president has maintained sky-high public approval ratings, as voters cast a critical eye at his Republican accusers.

65.   Tuesday, registered voters can cast their ballots for local, congressional, and statewide offices.

66.   Ultimately, voters cast their ballots for the man they want to lead from the White House, not for his sidekick.

67.   Under the system, voters cast two ballots, one for prime minister and one for a political party.

68.   Under German electoral law, voters cast one vote for a candidate and a second for a party.

69.   Under the current presidential primary arrangement, voters could legally cast ballots in the primary elections of the two major political parties, election and party officials concede.

70.   Voters cast their ballots early, like Diane Bowers at Mount Pleasant, with her son, Matthew.

n. + cast >>共 670
voter 12.95%
official 2.01%
member 1.95%
people 1.82%
study 1.51%
report 1.07%
violence 0.88%
gore 0.69%
incident 0.69%
light 0.69%
voter + v. >>共 800
be 12.12%
have 4.28%
approve 3.80%
say 3.40%
reject 3.04%
choose 2.64%
cast 2.29%
want 2.15%
decide 2.12%
go 2.03%
每页显示:    共 205