61.   There were no victory parties.

62.   Victory party?

63.   Howard affirmed his focus on the stubbornly high youth jobless rate in his acceptance speech, delivered here to hundreds of party faithful at a post-election victory party.

64.   And for many who attended his victory party, the election results confirmed publicly what they already felt privately.

65.   At a Democratic victory party in a Manhattan hotel, the mood was pensive -- even subdued -- following an initial burst of euphoria.

66.   ARENA members counter that the FMLN is trying to influence voters by holding victory parties before polls are closed.

67.   Mandela tried to gloss over the racial differences, telling an ANC victory party on Friday that South Africa had finally become a democracy.

68.   Naturally it was Turin that took centre stage with thousands thronging the central Piazza San Carlo where a victory party was getting underway.

n. + party >>共 325
opposition 51.33%
dinner 4.23%
birthday 3.79%
minority 2.01%
coalition 1.94%
majority 1.44%
right-wing 1.41%
holiday 1.28%
center-right 1.10%
advance 0.93%
victory 0.64%
victory + n. >>共 207
lap 17.78%
speech 7.94%
celebration 7.35%
sign 6.89%
lane 4.86%
party 4.46%
parade 4.27%
margin 3.15%
stand 2.56%
rally 2.49%
每页显示:    共 68