61.   It must deal with abject poverty in its border region, and it has vast rural areas that are difficult and expensive to serve.

62.   It spread out over a vast area, inundating towns on both sides of the border.

63.   It was up to Luecke and another family-practice doc serving the vast Big Bend area to perform the surgery, if it was going to get done.

64.   It was certainly a vast area of destruction, and until you see it in person, you just cannot imagine how big the area of devastation was.

65.   Its vast area of lift-serviced terrain exceeds any single North American resort.

66.   Miamisburg was home to the Mound Plant, a vast restricted area that was used to manufacture nuclear bomb detonators for the military.

67.   Only one-third of its vast area has been developed.

68.   Previous explanations, like earthquake or volcanic eruption, could not account for destruction over such a vast area, covering most of the then known world.

69.   Researchers say the runoff fuels algae blooms that eventually die and decompose, depleting oxygen in the water and leaving vast areas in which marine life cannot survive.

70.   Sixteen years of war destroyed so much of the center of the city that archaeologists have had a field day, presented with a vast barren area to excavate.

a. + area >>共 807
rural 5.68%
palestinian 2.70%
metropolitan 2.48%
urban 2.31%
remote 2.23%
same 2.05%
residential 2.02%
large 1.95%
safe 1.95%
surrounding 1.41%
vast 0.54%
vast + n. >>共 1207
majority 23.51%
amount 3.83%
area 2.84%
number 2.52%
array 1.61%
network 1.39%
market 1.30%
tract 1.29%
country 1.28%
expanse 1.24%
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