61.   ACI will use the proceeds of the offering to fund expansion, repay debt and increase working capital.

62.   Active will use proceeds to repay loans, complete land developments, and add to its land holdings.

63.   Additional proceeds will be used for working capital and general corporate purposes.

64.   Additional proceeds will be used for exploration and development at other properties and the acquisition of other properties.

65.   Additional proceeds will be used for working capital and future acquisitions, the filing said.

66.   Additional proceeds will be used for potential acquisitions, working capital and general corporate purposes, the SEC filing said.

67.   Additional proceeds will be used to repay debt, to pursue acquisition opportunities that may become available and for general corporate purposes.

68.   Agrium said it intends to use the proceeds of the offering to repay outstanding debt.

69.   Alcan will use the proceeds from the sale of Toyo shares for general corporate purposes, according to the joint release.

70.   Also, investors may like the IPO because Revlon plans to use the proceeds from the sale to help trim its debt.

v. + proceeds >>共 151
use 49.29%
donate 5.38%
convert 4.35%
invest 2.72%
receive 2.40%
reinvest 2.14%
share 1.95%
split 1.88%
put 1.82%
spend 1.43%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
每页显示:    共 756