61.   Another approach may be to make eggs out of stem cells, since stem cells can theoretically be used to make any kind of cell.

62.   Apple is also making available software that Macintosh and Windows software developers can use to make it easier to share data between their programs and the Newton.

63.   As a result, demand for nickel, used to make stainless steel, should remain steady, Goudie said.

64.   Artificial sniffers can be used to make sure industrial chemicals, packaging materials and other ingredients meet quality control specifications.

65.   As they say in the picante sauce commercial when it is discovered that the cook is using salsa made in New York City, get a rope.

66.   Asahara does not dispute that the sect possessed the chemicals, but he says they were used to make pottery and computer chips rather than nerve gas.

67.   At Chez Panisse, rose petals are steeped in the cream used to make ice cream.

68.   ASML is the third-largest manufacturer of wafer steppers, advanced photo-lithographic projection systems that are used to make microchips.

69.   At the same time, the price of crude oil, the raw material used to make gasoline, fell.

70.   Authorities began to investigate, only to find that the same Yahoo addresses had been used to make other transfers.

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