61.   Zedillo said he weathered the crisis by reforming banks, holding to sound economic policy, and using emergency loans to ease back to growth.

62.   Planning Minister Nabil Shaath said the loan would be used for large projects such as electricity and water.

63.   A company statement said Gazprom would use the loan to help finance construction of a pipeline under the Black Sea to bring Russian gas to Turkey.

64.   Acting IMF Managing Director Stanley Fischer told reporters the new auditing requirements were intended to make sure that IMF loans in the future are used properly.

65.   But almost immediately, legislators began to quarrel over a separate ruling party proposal to use government loans to strengthen weakened banks that had not failed.

66.   China plans to use loans from the World Bank to set up a grain stock information system around the country within two years, the China Daily reported.

67.   Clinton made a point about using small loans to give women in the developing world a chance at economic freedom.

68.   Dominican President Leonel Fernandez said the loans would be used for building new power plants to resolve frequent electricity shortages.

69.   Earlier this year, the government used foreign loans to chip away at a huge wage and pension backlog.

70.   Executives of some companies that used fresh loans from bailed-out banks were found to have diverted millions of dollars overseas in bogus investment, the agency said.

v. + loan >>共 522
make 11.31%
repay 7.91%
provide 4.12%
get 3.70%
extend 3.46%
use 2.81%
obtain 2.57%
take 2.38%
approve 2.38%
offer 2.22%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
loan 0.17%
每页显示:    共 151