61.   These days astronomers often find themselves pondering ways to map the universe without using light at all.

62.   They can simply bask in the light, use it as a reading light, or work or eat breakfast while using the light.

63.   They use fluorescent lights to draw them to buckets with metal traps.

64.   This would seem to indicate that you can grow lots of things almost anywhere using lights.

65.   Use flash lights, eat hot dogs for dinner and tell ghost stories.

66.   Use task lights, the brightest lights, to highlight those areas.

67.   Using the sealcam, the scientists gained more accurate data on the where the fish are located and how they use light to migrate.

68.   Using lights, video cameras and sensors, they search for victims in places where human rescuers cannot or dare not go.

69.   Using light and mounting the memory chip away from the needle avoids producing fields strong enough to affect it.

70.   When the designers showed their black-and-white collection of stiff skirts and bouffant ruffs in Paris last January, they used ultraviolet light to create the same effect.

v. + light >>共 513
shed 20.88%
see 9.11%
flash 4.10%
turn 3.21%
use 2.44%
dim 2.12%
shine 1.97%
reflect 1.95%
have 1.90%
throw 1.73%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
light 0.11%
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