61.   President Bush acknowledged Tuesday that the final version of his education reform plan probably would not allow federal dollars to be used to pay for private school tuition.

62.   Rep. Jim Longley launched a formal attack today on the National Council of Senior Citizens, alleging the group uses taxpayer dollars to support its partisan lobbying efforts.

63.   Probably not, because the barbecue was sponsored by a community group even though the fire department uses tax dollars to furnish equipment for the all-volunteer force.

64.   Republican leaders have even tried to compete with Clinton in the race to show voters that they will use federal dollars for education.

65.   Rubin insists that he would never use the dollar as a trade weapon.

66.   Rudman criticized GOP leaders in Congress for pushing a massive tax cut when saved dollars should be used to reduce the federal deficit.

67.   Since Whitman came into office over two years ago, she has insisted that the state would not use tax dollars to build a stadium.

68.   Some agencies might balk at using tax dollars to display flags in toilets and Nazi-esque needlework.

69.   Some, like Ohio, are using state dollars to expand Head Start programs.

70.   Stapley made a motion Monday to replace the goals with a small-business advisory council that would not use tax dollars to inform smaller companies of stadium projects.

v. + dollar >>共 500
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change 5.57%
support 4.58%
help 4.52%
boost 3.86%
hurt 3.78%
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use 2.22%
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use + n. >>共 1468
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technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
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proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
dollar 0.17%
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