61.   Also citing unidentified sources, La Stampa wrote that the Neapolitan man reportedly told a relative that Sung had suddenly left him.

62.   Also on the negotiations agenda is the appointment of Renault executives to the Nissan board, according to unidentified sources cited by Kyodo.

63.   Also, confidential data obtained from Bloomberg may have reached the offices of top Reuters executives, the Times said, citing unidentified sources.

64.   And as the banks scramble for dollars to pay off the debts, the ruble rate is likely to fall hard, Interfax said, citing an unidentified source.

65.   An unidentified Kremlin source told the agency that Yeltsin will probably name Oleg Lobov as his new representative in Chechnya.

66.   An unidentified source close to Ms. Cornwell confirmed the deal, The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported Wednesday.

67.   An announcement that a firm deal has been struck could come next week, the newspaper quoted an unidentified source as saying.

68.   An unidentified source said it could jeopardize their safety if statements or plea bargains were made public.

69.   ANSA cited unidentified judicial sources, and the two oofficials were not identified in the news reports.

70.   Argentine newspapers quoted unidentified judicial sources Tuesday as saying at least two bullet holes, possibly from large-caliber weapons, had been found in the helicopter.

a. + source >>共 506
military 8.28%
diplomatic 6.34%
official 3.28%
palestinian 3.01%
informed 2.84%
major 2.75%
unidentified 2.45%
judicial 2.12%
main 2.11%
israeli 1.97%
unidentified + n. >>共 564
gunman 12.97%
source 10.64%
man 10.46%
assailant 5.15%
official 4.38%
attacker 2.84%
woman 2.43%
person 2.17%
body 2.03%
people 1.95%
每页显示:    共 522