61.   Helicobacter pylori eradication heals chronic active type B gastritis and dramatically changes the natural history of duodenal ulcer disease.

62.   The dramatic effect of eradicating Helicobacter pylori on the medium term natural course of duodenal ulcer disease is sufficiently well reported by now.

63.   Therefore, H pylori treatment is recommended for patients with relapsing duodenal ulcer disease.

64.   The studies were designed to evaluate the H pylori eradication potency of the various regimens and the post-therapeutic course of ulcer disease.

65.   Thus, in addition to duodenal ulcer disease, H pylori eradication may also cure gastric ulcer disease.

66.   And, her records indicated, she had not been properly examined for peptic ulcer disease.

67.   Heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma and peptic ulcer disease have well-established genetic links.

68.   The unfolding story of the bacteria associated with peptic ulcer disease is a prime example.

69.   He suggested those who had a history of ulcer diseases or symptoms of ulcers or family history of gastric cancer should be the ones tested.

n. + disease >>共 286
cow 35.89%
lung 6.05%
kidney 5.57%
bowel 4.58%
brain 4.55%
skin 3.39%
ulcer 2.21%
blood 2.11%
gum 2.08%
eye 1.86%
ulcer + n. >>共 54
disease 26.64%
patient 10.04%
drug 9.27%
medication 5.79%
treatment 5.41%
recurrence 3.86%
margin 3.09%
haemorrhage 2.70%
problem 1.93%
relapse 1.93%
每页显示:    共 69