61.   The disputes over ethnic and territorial matters have heightened since the collapse of communism in Albania and the latest row has triggered fears of a new Balkan conflict.

62.   The latest row has triggered fears of a new Balkan conflict.

63.   The Istanbul stock exchange has been volatile with frequent falls since Ecevit was hospitalized twice in less than a month, triggering fears of political instability.

64.   The latest flare-up has triggered fears of a new Balkan conflict.

65.   The problems have been mainly over ethnic and territorial issues, and the latest spat has triggered fears it could boil over into another Balkans conflict.

v. + fear >>共 569
raise 12.95%
express 9.54%
have 4.76%
allay 4.38%
ease 3.98%
spark 2.90%
calm 2.23%
voice 2.15%
dismiss 1.81%
fuel 1.79%
trigger 0.91%
trigger + n. >>共 998
protest 3.94%
wave 2.23%
violence 2.16%
riot 1.84%
explosion 1.61%
alarm 1.55%
inflation 1.51%
concern 1.39%
fear 1.27%
landslide 1.25%
每页显示:    共 65