61.   The treaty also requires member states to destroy existing mines.

62.   The treaty requires Moscow to provide military assistance to Pyongyang in the event of war.

63.   The treaty requires that each country create a financial intelligence unit and institute measures to detect cross-border movements of cash that could be used to fund terrorism.

64.   The treaty will require China to permit freedom of expression, a free press and to regularize police powers for the first time.

65.   The treaty also requires China to guarantee crime suspects the right to remain silent during police questioning.

66.   The treaty also requires countries to account for mine stocks, and allows visits by United Nations fact-finding teams.

67.   The treaty would require industrialized nations to reduce greenhouse gases by specified amounts.

68.   The treaty also requires countries account for mine stocks, and allows visits by United Nations fact-finding teams.

69.   The treaty requires fishermen to report the size of their catches to regional organizations, which would set quotas.

70.   The treaty also requires countries to account for mine stocks and allows visits by United Nations fact-finding teams.

n. + require >>共 1117
law 13.33%
rule 3.41%
bill 2.73%
plan 1.63%
regulation 1.59%
state 1.57%
agreement 1.50%
government 1.31%
job 1.25%
measure 1.18%
treaty 0.55%
treaty + v. >>共 317
be 20.43%
require 4.12%
allow 3.60%
have 3.35%
ban 3.04%
come 2.26%
call 2.26%
give 2.01%
take 1.70%
include 1.39%
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