61.   French consumer associations called Thursday on all those hit by the transport strike gripping France to register their disapproval of the work stoppage by joining a demonstration here.

62.   France is currently beset by widespread labor unrest, including a crippling transport strike now in its third week that is spawning mammoth traffic jams in and around Paris.

63.   France is preparing for a Black Thursday of transport strikes, with rail, metro, bus and airline workers all planning to down tools at the same time.

64.   He had been named SNCF head last December following major public transport strikes in France.

65.   However producers say that the continuing transport strikes mean that they will have trouble getting their produce to market.

66.   In many countries cost-cutting reforms have been introduced slowly in recent years but a three-week transport strike in France in December highlighted the difficulties involved.

67.   A public transport strike paralysed Pakistan for a second day Wednesday as striking operators demanded that the government withdraw new taxes recently imposed on the transport sector.

68.   A one-hour public transport strike is planned for early Thursday.

69.   A public transport strike paralysed Pakistan for a second day Wednesday, increasing hardship for commuters and disrupting supplies into major cities across the country.

70.   Access to the capital from the rest of the country has been restricted since Thursday by a wildcat transport strike which the opposition accused the government of initiating.

n. + strike >>共 499
missile 9.63%
baseball 6.44%
one-day 6.26%
transport 2.98%
two-day 2.85%
protest 2.73%
labor 2.52%
three-day 2.00%
rail 1.61%
helicopter 1.61%
transport + n. >>共 342
plane 11.49%
minister 5.91%
system 5.49%
company 4.33%
worker 4.24%
ministry 3.57%
link 3.02%
official 2.99%
strike 2.99%
service 2.77%
每页显示:    共 97