61.   Ministers are expected to offer solid support to the Loya Jirga, an assembly of delegates in Kabul to select a transition government for Afghanistan.

62.   Pending the election, the country is to be run by a transition government, which is due to be announced on Friday.

63.   Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin thereafter immediately signed an agreement laying the foundation of relations between Moscow and the separatist-dominated transition government ruling Chechnya.

64.   Should neither win an absolute majority, the text they sign provides for a transition government to organise a referendum to choose the president.

65.   Sources said he came to the capital to lead a meeting of the new transition government of Prime Minister Kengo Wa Dondo.

66.   Sylla ruled out forming a transition government with politicians loyal to President Didier Ratsiraka.

67.   The assembly will have the task of choosing a two-year transition government under the landmark Afghan accord signed in Bonn last December.

68.   The council urged the parties to resolve their differences through the transition government recently installed as part of the Cotonou peace agreement signed last July.

69.   The law prevents any US president from lifting the embargo until a transition government is in place in Havana.

70.   The other is former prime minister Bishop Abel Muzorewa, who led a short-lived transition government between British colonial rulers and the black majority rulers led by Mugabe.

n. + government >>共 501
coalition 34.22%
city 11.06%
caretaker 7.76%
unity 4.73%
apartheid 2.35%
self-rule 1.86%
member 1.67%
post-taliban 1.63%
minority 1.51%
right-wing 1.38%
transition 1.11%
transition + n. >>共 201
period 24.80%
team 11.83%
government 5.02%
game 4.87%
office 3.73%
process 3.44%
plan 3.44%
player 1.65%
defense 1.51%
phase 1.36%
每页显示:    共 70