61.   It is clean, and the trains run on time.

62.   Is the train running?

63.   It would also be better, and cheaper, if the train could run on existing track.

64.   Kass says his trains could be running as early as the end of this year.

65.   Metro-North commuter trains ran on schedule, said Dan Brucker, a spokesman for the line.

66.   N.J. Transit trains run Mondays through Fridays.

67.   New York-Washington trains ran up to an hour late, but no one was complaining.

68.   Occasionally, its trains have run over cars.

69.   Nobody steals your purse, the trains run on time.

70.   On all of them, rush-hour trains run an average of three minutes apart or less.

n. + run >>共 1532
time 3.10%
company 1.82%
man 1.40%
people 1.39%
train 1.37%
government 1.16%
candidate 1.16%
car 1.03%
ad 0.93%
newspaper 0.92%
train + v. >>共 379
be 16.05%
run 7.29%
stop 4.15%
derail 3.83%
travel 3.03%
leave 2.79%
have 2.68%
pull 2.54%
come 2.45%
go 2.45%
每页显示:    共 252