61.   Tours begin at the Sugarloaf Outdoor Center, formerly known as the Sugarloaf Ski Touring Center.

62.   Tours begin in San Sebastian.

63.   Tours begin with a propaganda film in an open-air, thatched hut featuring guerrilla mnanequins under a flag and picture of Uncle Ho.

64.   Tours begin on the half-hour.

65.   Underground Railroad tours have begun in New York and other states.

66.   When the tour first began in October, the team said that it wanted to show the U.S. audience what professional basketball for women looks like.

67.   Your tour begins after lunch across the street at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian.

68.   Your tour will begin downstairs in the kitchen where the artist often worked.

69.   As the tour began one day recently, Mrs. Ritting slid into the left rear seat, the place a pillbox-hatted Jackie Kennedy took.

70.   Dutch daily De Telegraaf reported that both military policemen already had relationships with the women in the Netherlands before their tour began.

n. + begin >>共 1326
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work 0.90%
game 0.72%
tour 0.17%
tour + v. >>共 330
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include 6.88%
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end 2.92%
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continue 2.07%
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