61.   Simpson tried to persuade his colleagues that the tougher penalties would only apply to employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants and not to employers who make an honest mistake.

62.   State officials debated Wednesday whether to propose that tougher penalties like those be imposed on Microsoft for any future antitrust violations of a consent decree.

63.   States remain years behind in implementing child-support regulations, and some have resisted the tougher penalties the new law places on fathers in arrears.

64.   The code also offers tougher penalties for drive-by shootings and other gang activity.

65.   The designation can trigger FBI involvement in the investigation and tougher penalties in the event of a conviction.

66.   The controversy over the law highlights the broader question of whether government can help stop drug abuse through tougher penalties.

67.   The federal Environmental Protection Agency suggested earlier this year that it might not impose tougher penalties on the state if it saw progress in cleaning up various pollutants.

68.   The law also foresees tougher penalties than those now in force for smugglers who bring in immigrants.

69.   The measure mandates tougher penalties for most juvenile lawbreakers, including possible detention for first-timers who commit misdemeanors.

70.   The law calls for an enlarged border patrol and tougher penalties for those who violate immigration laws.

a. + penalty >>共 623
maximum 12.10%
criminal 3.91%
stiffer 3.42%
financial 3.26%
severe 2.93%
tougher 2.77%
stiff 2.44%
civil 2.20%
harsher 2.14%
harsh 1.67%
tougher + n. >>共 580
time 5.39%
law 4.73%
action 4.35%
standard 4.33%
line 3.80%
measure 3.44%
penalty 3.44%
stance 3.01%
sanction 2.78%
competition 2.40%
每页显示:    共 135