61.   Verveer said the lawsuit would end speculation among antitrust lawyers that the Justice Department might be relaxing its tough stance.

62.   When Villareal ordered the toll booths built, the federal government initially took a tough law-and-order stance and issued a warrant for his arrest.

63.   While signaling his acceptance, Clinton continued his tough stance toward Hussein.

64.   Woodhead also says the tough stance makes for smart politics.

65.   Yet he was probably no less effective in getting mileage for his message of a tough stance on Middle East peace combined with economic reform.

66.   Over the weekend, the Chinese military took a tough stance on who was to blame.

67.   Prime Minister John Howard rode a wave of support for his tough stance against refugees to win a third term.

68.   A day after a sharp verbal exchange with the Kremlin, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko backed off his tough stance Friday and ordered four Russian journalists released from jail.

69.   A tough stance on illegal immigration helps integrate legal migrants, she added.

70.   After years of accepting refugees who arrive in decrepit boats, Australia recently adopted a tough stance against asylum seekers.

a. + stance >>共 651
tough 7.70%
tougher 4.47%
aggressive 2.85%
hard-line 2.78%
hardline 2.55%
neutral 2.25%
strong 1.80%
public 1.69%
new 1.69%
conciliatory 1.69%
tough + n. >>共 697
time 9.45%
decision 2.63%
guy 2.58%
sell 2.06%
question 1.92%
measure 1.83%
talk 1.66%
competition 1.60%
action 1.51%
stance 1.51%
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