61.   Inspectors seeking chemical arms found arsenals full of nerve agents like tabun and sarin, tiny amounts of which are lethal.

62.   Ingesting just a tiny amount of an allergen can induce a fatal reaction in some people.

63.   It is actually the result of tiny amounts of condensation that form on the inside of insulated outside walls and the ceilings under insulated attics.

64.   It is only recently that laboratory analysis became sophisticated enough to detect such tiny amounts of the pollutants.

65.   It will emit such tiny amounts of dioxin that no one will be harmed.

66.   Just a tiny amount of ground cloves adds a tingly sensation to this dish.

67.   Kia Motors and other subsidiaries are struggling to remain operational with tiny amounts of cash as banks refuse to lend them more money.

68.   Kitto has devised a chemical test that identifies the presence of rat feces, even tiny amounts.

69.   Levy speculates that these lucky individuals, on first exposure to HIV, are exposed to only a tiny amount of the virus.

70.   Materio bought blown glass from Germany by the caseload for the massive project, glass so expensive she had only ever bought it in tiny amounts.

a. + amount >>共 395
large 12.02%
small 10.95%
huge 4.43%
same 4.43%
undisclosed 3.21%
significant 2.22%
vast 2.10%
enormous 1.96%
limited 1.93%
fair 1.89%
tiny 0.98%
tiny + n. >>共 1116
island 2.59%
fraction 1.98%
republic 1.71%
nation 1.61%
village 1.46%
amount 1.36%
piece 1.29%
country 1.26%
town 1.21%
minority 1.21%
每页显示:    共 142