61.   Vincent Canby, the Sunday theater critic of The New York Times, was named chief theater critic Friday.

62.   We had a Kevin Kelly, our widely admired theater critic.

63.   But Sunday reviews from local theater critics were mixed.

64.   Clive Barnes, the theater critic of the New York Post, said Merrick liked to terrorize theater critics.

65.   Former theater critics working as directors now are subjects of criticism from the people they usually review.

66.   Four London theater critics working as directors are learning first hand what it means to suffer the slings and arrows they usually hurl.

67.   Its membership consists of the leading newspaper and magazine theater critics in London.

68.   Knocked by theater critics as shooting at too many targets, the play benefits from its TV makeover.

69.   Saadedin Wahba, a leading Egyptian theater critic, journalist and writer, died Tuesday of heart and lung complications stemming from cancer.

70.   Take it from Clive Barnes, theater critic.

n. + critic >>共 228
government 14.08%
film 10.36%
music 8.04%
art 7.74%
theater 4.39%
television 4.08%
medium 3.53%
movie 3.53%
restaurant 2.93%
industry 2.74%
theater + n. >>共 485
owner 6.91%
company 5.80%
chain 3.84%
director 3.25%
group 3.03%
district 2.88%
critic 2.66%
system 2.55%
ticket 2.03%
production 2.00%
每页显示:    共 72