61.   Big underdogs, they were expected to lose again, for the fifth time, which no NFL team had done.

62.   Better to ask winning coach Arvy Vidal, he said, about all the things that the Brazilian team did right.

63.   Both teams did little to stop each other in the first half.

64.   A bad Wilkens team does the best it can.

65.   A British research team did a study and concluded that the pertussis vaccine did pose some risk of nerve damage.

66.   A chance to do something few other teams have ever done.

67.   A look at how the three teams are faring at the gate a year after the baseball strike and what the teams are doing to bring fans back.

68.   A team apparently does what it can to get motivated for the Celtics.

69.   Actors have a better chance of winning back-to-back Oscars than teams do national titles.

70.   Add that to the half-dozen or dozen times this team has done that.

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player 1.16%
woman 0.91%
official 0.72%
child 0.67%
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team + v. >>共 713
be 14.38%
have 8.12%
play 3.81%
win 2.60%
go 2.11%
make 1.72%
say 1.59%
do 1.49%
meet 1.47%
lose 1.43%
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