61.   The package also is designed to provide support to quake victims through special tax reductions, income tax cuts, tariff reductions and loans.

62.   The tariff reduction is valid for one year but is renewable.

63.   The tariff reduction, which went into effect Wednesday under a presidential decree, applies to imported goods and commodities.

64.   The tariff reduction is initially valid for one year but is renewable.

65.   The tariff reductions will be in effect for three years, after which they will be renegotiated.

66.   Those enhanced preferences, which would include tariff reductions among other things, would come under an expansion of the Caribbean Basin Initiative.

67.   Vietnam has cited the slow process of legislating tariff reductions as the reason for the delay.

68.   Wear declined to specify the size of tariff reductions the company could achieve through changes such as switching to naphtha as fuel, rather than imported natural gas.

69.   He added that UMCTAD was interested in the same things that interest South Africa, such as tariff reductions and trade preferences.

70.   India, however, has accused rival Pakistan of scuttling the preferential trade agreement by refusing to identify the items on which it wants tariff reductions.

n. + reduction >>共 301
tax 10.25%
rate 9.10%
debt 8.99%
deficit 8.59%
price 4.85%
cost 4.11%
staff 3.44%
tariff 3.33%
job 3.03%
arm 2.74%
tariff + n. >>共 134
reduction 11.69%
cut 11.69%
rate 9.22%
barrier 7.53%
structure 4.42%
increase 3.90%
protection 2.60%
treatment 2.21%
policy 1.82%
level 1.82%
每页显示:    共 89