61.   Even as both sides agreed to talk peace, more violence was reported in Kosovo.

62.   Fears of warfare eased and the battered peso rebounded slightly Wednesday with word that Indian rebels in southern Mexico were ready to talk peace.

63.   Fighting has hit the capital after a two-year lull, stirring terror and rage while the warlords talk peace in neighboring Ghana.

64.   Fighting raged in the province Saturday, even as the delegates were preparing to talk peace.

65.   Facing a deadline for a U.S.-brokered truce, anti-Serb forces fought Friday to firm up their hold on western Bosnia before sitting down to talk peace.

66.   Fighting raged in the province even as the delegates were preparing to talk peace.

67.   For that, he needs Israel and talks peace.

68.   Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel renewed an appeal by major powers for a cease-fire, and he criticized ethnic Albanian rebels and Serb forces for failing to talk peace.

69.   Guerrilla groups have complained they cannot talk peace with President Ernesto Samper, who has lost credibility amid charges he won office with drug money.

70.   He has a strained relationship with the armed forces chief, Gen. Harold Bedoya, and rebels say his administration lacks the credibility to talk peace.

v. + peace >>共 405
make 14.92%
bring 9.98%
keep 7.63%
want 4.21%
achieve 3.96%
restore 3.91%
promote 2.49%
negotiate 2.41%
find 2.37%
talk 2.35%
talk + n. >>共 631
peace 7.01%
way 6.57%
lot 5.35%
talk 5.05%
trash 4.22%
politics 3.96%
radio 2.52%
baseball 2.35%
business 2.13%
trade 1.96%
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