61.   The council talks later dragged on about Bosnia, but without direct action.

62.   The funeral had been delayed further as compensation talks dragged on.

63.   The tentative agreement came just hours after North Korea renewed its threat to begin reprocessing spent nuclear fuel soon if the talks drag on.

64.   The talks have dragged on for years without resolution.

65.   Trouble was also brewing in the North Korean capital, with Pyongyang officials renewing threats to restart its feared nuclear program soon if the talks drag on.

66.   While the talks drag on, Chevron sits on its large pool of oil and waits.

67.   In Athens Greek Foreign Minister Carolos Papoulias said there would be no deadline for renaming Macedonia but talks could not drag on for ever.

68.   But both sides admit the talks could drag on beyond the timetable.

69.   But the talks dragged on and the leader of the Iraqi delegation complained of the intransigence of the UN on Monday.

70.   The situation in the villages as talks drag on has become increasingly tense.

n. + drag >>共 556
case 5.05%
talk 4.13%
negotiation 3.47%
war 3.47%
police 3.26%
strike 2.17%
process 2.06%
man 1.57%
government 1.57%
crisis 1.47%
talk + v. >>共 359
be 28.78%
resume 6.22%
begin 5.54%
continue 5.02%
take 3.00%
fail 2.86%
break_down 2.74%
go 2.66%
focus 2.30%
end 1.88%
drag 0.51%
每页显示:    共 76