61.   Clinton spoke to Barak just before the talks began and again after they ended, Lockhart said.

62.   Crozier invited Gifford to lunch, and Gifford reciprocated in November and talks began in earnest.

63.   Dudayev also said he would no longer insist that all Russian troops withdraw from Chechnya before talks begin, an earlier condition that Moscow did not accept.

64.   Each side has complained that the other has violated the fragile cease-fire that has been in operation since peace talks began.

65.   Even before the final talks begin, a more immediate dispute looms.

66.   Even so, at least one newspaper, the Seattle Times, is speculating talks could begin sooner.

67.   Even though the fresh fighting angered Albanians, political leaders said that inter-ethnic talks will begin once the fighting comes to a halt.

68.   Even before the current contract talks began, Huffy officials were sending stern warnings to the Celina workers that the company would take a tough bargaining stance.

69.   Federally mediated talks began Monday in Washington.

70.   Finally, the issue was finessed and the talks began to make progress last September.

n. + begin >>共 1326
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season 1.44%
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talk + v. >>共 359
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take 3.00%
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