61.   Although Labor gained back some ground in the second week of campaigning, two respected national polls taken over the weekend showed the government consolidating its lead.

62.   Although Labor clawed back some ground in the second week of campaigning, two respected national polls taken over the weekend showed the government consolidating its lead.

63.   But the poll was taken before widespread coverage of the slaughter of possibly infected sheep in Vermont.

64.   Electoral rules restrict exit polling, and Associated Press reporters and others visited a number of voting stations where polls were not taken.

65.   Electoral rules restrict exit polling, and polls were not taken at some voting stations.

66.   His job approval was a record for elected officials in the three states where Quinnipiac polls are taken -- Connecticut, New York and New Jersey.

67.   The dates the poll was taken and its margin of error were not provided.

68.   The CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll was taken Sunday and Monday nights.

69.   The new poll was taken Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, including some voters before and after the first presidential debate.

70.   The polls were taken by ABC News-The Washington Post, CBS News, CNN-USA Today-Gallup and NBC News-Wall Street Journal.

v. + poll >>共 308
conduct 11.41%
boycott 6.52%
hold 4.45%
take 4.05%
publish 2.32%
contest 2.27%
release 2.03%
lead 1.98%
win 1.93%
leave 1.88%
take + n. >>共 753
place 12.16%
part 5.04%
action 3.23%
advantage 2.92%
time 2.33%
control 1.68%
effect 1.66%
office 1.51%
step 1.35%
lead 1.11%
poll 0.04%
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