61.   The Iraqi action exempted only a handful of International Atomic Energy Agency experts who monitor suspected nuclear sites.

62.   The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights cited four suspected sites, one of which was seen by an Associated Press reporter.

63.   The investigators from the U.N. tribunal on war crimes for the former Yugoslavia were checking the suspected grave sites and searching the area for mines, tribunal sources said.

64.   The Iraqi decision exempted monitors from the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency, which oversees suspected nuclear sites.

65.   The threat of a strike was averted after Baghdad signed a deal with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan Monday to give weapons inspectors unfettered access to all suspected sites.

66.   The U.N. Security Council on Monday approved a statement criticizing, but not condemning Iraq for refusing to allow the search of all suspected sites.

67.   The tribunal said the exhumation of suspected mass graves in Bosnia and Croatia would begin this weekend, starting with the examination of suspected sites near Srebrenica on Sunday.

68.   The Yugoslav capital resounded with powerful explosions Saturday night as NATO jets roared overhead, targeting suspected military sites on its outskirts, Tanjug news agency reported.

69.   Tribunal sources said the team was checking on the condition of the suspected grave sites and checking the area for mines.

70.   Tokyo appears increasingly willing to improves ties in response to progress in negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang over U.S. inspections of a suspected underground nuclear site in the North.

a. + site >>共 938
holy 4.22%
new 3.19%
grave 2.25%
burial 1.80%
historic 1.65%
building 1.36%
archaeological 1.32%
possible 1.26%
military 1.20%
presidential 1.10%
suspected 0.70%
suspected + n. >>共 816
militant 12.08%
guerrilla 7.75%
rebel 6.47%
terrorist 6.35%
member 3.20%
drug 2.75%
extremist 2.63%
weapon 2.35%
case 1.98%
gunman 1.24%
site 1.09%
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