61.   Spain said Friday it is suspending extradition arrangements with Belgium after a court there refused to extradite two suspected Basque separatists.

62.   Suspected separatists derailed a passenger train near Argun on Friday, ITAR-TASS news agency reported.

63.   The army planned the crackdown as suspected Bodo separatists bombed the courthouse in Kamrup district in the early hours Tuesday.

64.   The military said last month that dozens of suspected separatists had been arrested.

a. + separatist >>共 164
basque 14.05%
muslim 10.34%
albanian 9.72%
moslem 9.39%
ethnic 7.93%
kurdish 5.85%
tamil 5.17%
suspected 3.60%
armed 3.32%
serb 3.26%
suspected + n. >>共 816
militant 12.08%
guerrilla 7.75%
rebel 6.47%
terrorist 6.35%
member 3.20%
drug 2.75%
extremist 2.63%
weapon 2.35%
case 1.98%
gunman 1.24%
separatist 0.69%
每页显示:    共 64