61.   The Gulf War, which involved thousands of ground troops after Iraqi forces were pounded from above, supports that notion.

62.   The judge found that there was insufficient evidence to support the notion that the brothers felt a genuine but unreasonable fear for their lives.

63.   The most prominent features on Europa, the dark bands that form a mesh across the surface, also support the notion of an ocean.

64.   The record supports that notion.

65.   The researchers say this supports the notion that humans evolved from a small group of ancestors, while other great apes are descended from much larger populations.

66.   The study found evidence to support that notion.

67.   The Whitman file conclusively supports the notion that for the first and only time in his adult life, Whitman successfully carried out a plan he made.

68.   The World Bank supports the notion that trading rights are skewed toward the rich.

69.   There is no evidence to support the notion that school busing by itself destroyed white families or sparked white flight.

70.   This testimony supports the notion that Drake, a convicted panhandler and crack addict, was the attacker.

v. + notion >>共 426
reject 13.04%
dismiss 11.78%
dispute 6.23%
dispel 4.30%
support 3.68%
have 3.64%
challenge 3.05%
reinforce 2.13%
accept 2.05%
embrace 1.30%
support + n. >>共 944
effort 2.29%
idea 2.26%
terrorism 1.92%
bill 1.86%
family 1.67%
claim 1.63%
right 1.56%
rebel 1.50%
plan 1.38%
dollar 1.35%
notion 0.38%
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