61.   Zaleski said such a ruling would end the effectiveness of drug tests.

62.   It is not clear if Howard has the power to make such a ruling.

63.   The Australian syndicates would have to use the boats they now have if such a ruling goes against them.

a. + ruling >>共 385
final 10.99%
new 5.66%
earlier 4.76%
recent 3.87%
favorable 2.81%
such 2.57%
preliminary 2.24%
previous 2.12%
unanimous 2.00%
latest 1.95%
such + n. >>共 1151
move 6.00%
system 1.96%
thing 1.65%
meeting 1.61%
plan 1.41%
case 1.15%
attack 1.10%
agreement 1.05%
step 1.04%
change 0.92%
ruling 0.25%
每页显示:    共 63