61.   The service was launched in Malaysia and India early last year and the bank claims that it has been a successful operation.

62.   The successful operation France carried out against the Algerian hijackers is one of the biggest victories won in recent years against terrorism.

63.   Three guerrillas died during the commando raid at a rural farmhouse south of Bogota - the second successful anti-kidnapping operation in a day.

64.   Following his release three days later after a successful operation, his doctors advised him not to take on too many official activities during his convalescence.

65.   Four Moslem militants and two policemen were killed in a fierce gunbattle Sunday in Kashmir during a successful operation to free two hostages seized by rebels, police said.

66.   Former deputy prime minister Michael Heseltine, admitted to hospital last weekend with heart trouble, has undergone a successful operation, it was disclosed on Thursday.

67.   Gore and Chernomyrdin were due to congratulate space technicians, following the successful operation, but could not because of technical problems, according to Russian television station NTV.

68.   He had a successful operation in November last year to correct the valve and has been recuperating since.

69.   All four were hospitalised and were in stable condition after successful operations, said FMF spokesperson Savenaca Draunidalo.

70.   An FSB officer, who asked to remain anonymous, said the successful operation to assassinate the notorious guerrilla commander in Chechnya had been carried out in March.

a. + operation >>共 1080
military 10.21%
peacekeeping 4.68%
special 2.08%
day-to-day 2.01%
joint 1.73%
international 1.64%
major 1.20%
new 1.11%
normal 1.00%
overseas 0.97%
successful 0.46%
successful + n. >>共 1942
career 2.74%
business 1.85%
campaign 1.70%
surgery 1.48%
businessman 1.47%
season 1.36%
company 1.33%
effort 1.26%
program 1.16%
candidate 1.07%
operation 0.89%
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