61.   Success stories do not abound, and the skeptics are plentiful.

62.   The drinking is so severe that stories abound of malnourished children being given wine because there is nothing else in the house.

63.   The hellfire stories abound.

64.   The horror stories abound.

65.   The horror stories abound, though in an odd bit of irony, many lawyers appear loath to bad-mouth each other on the record.

66.   What we know is simply anecdotal, but stories abound of Ruth hitting king-sized home runs.

67.   But the stories abound.

68.   Chaveas said Malawi stood little chance of attracting foreign investment while corruption stories abounded.

69.   It happens at the Carnoustie Golf Links, where horror stories abound and one slight mistake or unfortunate bounce can mean instant triple bogey.

70.   Stories abound of foreigners paying large sums of money to recruiting agents only to be abandoned when they arrived here.

n. + abound >>共 702
rumor 4.97%
story 4.91%
theory 3.50%
sign 2.76%
opportunity 2.52%
example 2.15%
speculation 1.78%
question 1.53%
evidence 1.53%
skeptic 1.47%
story + v. >>共 796
be 36.13%
have 4.31%
go 3.17%
begin 2.18%
move 2.10%
end 1.54%
come 1.52%
take 1.36%
become 1.28%
appear 1.24%
abound 0.89%
每页显示:    共 80