61.   Love did not stop to talk about his round.

62.   Looking relaxed and happy, the queen later walked along the road, stopping to talk with people in an unusually informal and lighthearted way.

63.   Looking very relaxed and happy, the queen later walked along the road, stopping to talk with people in an unusually informal and lighthearted way.

64.   Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin stopped to talk with some of the strikers outside his office.

65.   Prince Charles had stopped to talk with children waving British flags when the thin, red-haired teen-ager, appearing calm, leaned over and struck him.

66.   Streams of employees returned to work, driving into the plant without stopping to talk to reporters.

67.   The princess spent an hour visiting the wards, stopping to talk with eight sick children.

68.   We stopped to talk to lots of people.

69.   To stop people talking about it I will either have to win a Major... or put it in the water again.

v. + talk >>共 159
stop 13.64%
will 5.93%
be 5.34%
sit 4.35%
listen 3.75%
spend 3.56%
meet 3.36%
do 3.16%
get 2.37%
hear 2.37%
stop + v. >>共 354
help 5.56%
watch 4.87%
talk 4.74%
ask 4.05%
think 3.50%
chat 3.16%
look 2.61%
take 2.47%
pick_up 2.20%
buy 2.20%
每页显示:    共 69