61.   Previous Israeli strikes, including air raids and forays into Palestinian areas, have failed to stop the bombings.

62.   Seven Palestinians were killed in clashes between Palestinian police and supporters of Islamic militant groups, and the Hamas movement said it would stop suicide bombings in Israel.

63.   She said she knew that Yeltsin had warned President Clinton that Russia was prepared to use nuclear missiles to stop the bombing in Yugoslavia.

64.   The bombing was stopped Thursday night on the strength of some promising political developments.

65.   The anti-Taliban alliance, led by former military chief Ahmed Shah Massood, says it wants to close the airport to stop the bombing of its positions.

66.   The attack followed a Hamas cease-fire offer to stop bombings if Israel agreed to stop its campaign against Islamic militants and release Palestinian prisoners.

67.   The bombings were stopped because of the Muslim holy day, the spokesman said.

68.   The churches of Yugoslavia have strongly opposed any violence, and, at the same time, strongly called for stopping the bombings, he added.

69.   The decision alone did not mean NATO will stop the bombing immediately.

70.   The decisions alone do not mean NATO will stop the bombing right away.

v. + bombing >>共 239
condemn 10.75%
follow 5.66%
stop 4.50%
blame 4.45%
include 4.13%
investigate 3.86%
carry 3.60%
plan 3.02%
claim 2.70%
order 2.65%
stop + n. >>共 1227
car 3.21%
attack 3.20%
violence 2.50%
fight 1.86%
work 1.65%
people 1.50%
traffic 1.18%
flow 1.15%
run 1.13%
vehicle 1.12%
bombing 0.51%
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