61.   The Pentagon statements did not indicate if any people participating in the tests have gotten sick.

62.   The statement clearly indicates that the rebel leadership is concerned that the exodus of ethnic Albanian refugees will deprive the movement of its base of recruits.

63.   The statement did not indicate how Ostankino plans to compensate for the huge losses the ban would cause.

64.   The statement did not indicate the charges against them.

65.   The statement did not indicate whether anyone had been killed or injured in the battle.

66.   The statement indicated that Lithuania was set to formally charge Aleksandras Lileikis, whom it had previously decided not to prosecute.

67.   The statement indicated that the government was keeping open the option of sending her back to Yangon forcibly, using her safety as a pretext.

68.   The statement indicated that Walker had a meeting with government officials because of the massacre.

69.   The statement indicates the Serbs will take a defiant stance at the talks in Rambouillet, France, outside Paris.

70.   The statements indicated IFR held no shares in eConnect.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
report 10.25%
poll 7.03%
official 5.80%
study 3.65%
record 2.21%
survey 2.17%
evidence 1.89%
result 1.86%
research 1.73%
test 1.67%
statement 1.05%
statement + v. >>共 289
say 46.35%
be 10.21%
come 3.49%
add 3.10%
give 2.26%
make 1.80%
call 1.17%
follow 1.15%
indicate 0.96%
mention 0.89%
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