61.   He said he expects the state to do well in receiving federal funds.

62.   He said the federal government should impose safety standards on bus systems that receive federal aid, or have the states do so.

63.   Health care advocate Allison Staton agreed that the state has done a good job expanding health coverage to children.

64.   He said that Pennsylvania will take responsibility for any problems that may arise from its deregulation, and that hopefully other states will do the same.

65.   How does it compare with what other states are doing?

66.   I am a person who deeply believed that if killing is wrong, then killing is wrong -- even when the state does it.

67.   I asked Cochrane if the state had ever done a study to find out how many of its employees would bring weapons to work if lockers were available.

68.   However, the OPS has made it harder for states to do that.

69.   However, the states could do whatever they want with the money, said WellPoint spokesman Ken Ferber.

70.   Historically, New York state has done a poor job of opening up its extensive marine environment for commercial and recreational use, shortchanging its citizens and economy.

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state + v. >>共 907
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