61.   A true sports fan loves competition and loves seeing things in context.

62.   A study at the University of Kansas suggests that sports fans suffer fewer bouts of depression and alienation than do people who are uninterested in sports.

63.   A true sports fan is not limited to one or two games.

64.   Advertising surveys show fans are twice as likely as other sports fans to buy a product they see advertised at a race.

65.   Across the board, visitors, sports fans, journalists, Olympic observers and officials of various stripes give Sydney exceptionally high marks.

66.   After California, Kevorkian tinkered with inventions, building a pontoon bicycle that worked, and a disposable sun visor for sports fans that flopped.

67.   After Sydney, also known as the tape-delayed Olympics, some sports fans would argue the network televising the Games has taken on the role of villain.

68.   All of this creates a strange sort of parallel universe for sports fans, a replica of the sports world that lets you branch off at any point.

69.   Allen, an avid sports fan, already owns the Portland Trail Blazers basketball team in Portland, Oregon.

70.   Along the way, it also changed the way sports fans get their information.

n. + fan >>共 718
sport 11.56%
baseball 11.15%
soccer 9.86%
football 8.63%
music 3.75%
basketball 3.54%
golf 2.93%
hockey 2.57%
exhaust 1.83%
race 1.60%
sport + n. >>共 650
vehicle 8.42%
fan 4.03%
event 3.38%
team 3.19%
utility 2.64%
world 1.68%
stadium 1.57%
official 1.41%
league 1.35%
star 1.32%
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