61.   The sources said sporadic shooting had broken out as Israeli troops made their way to the centre of the town, but there were no injuries initially reported.

62.   The Russian military authorities said there was only sporadic shooting overnight and no casualties were reported, according to ITAR-TASS news agency.

63.   The situation on the ground appeared to have stabilised, with only sporadic shooting being heard.

64.   There was no immediate reaction to the accord from the soldiers but sporadic shooting continued overnight.

65.   There was sporadic shooting in the troubled central district, but no widescale disturbances were reported, police said.

66.   There were only reports of sporadic shooting.

67.   Traffic had earlier begun to pick up to normal levels and sporadic shooting had ceased.

68.   UN officials in Arbil said meanwhile that UN humanitarian workers did not move between Sulaymaniyah and Arbil for fear of sporadic shooting.

69.   It rang out steadily for a half-hour then broke down into sporadic shooting, as the US embassy here broadcast appeals to its staff to stay at home.

70.   Krahn fighters late Sunday broke the nine-day-old ceasefire with sporadic shooting near the army barracks here, according to peacekeeping sources.

a. + shooting >>共 274
fatal 12.53%
sporadic 6.87%
recent 4.15%
poor 3.70%
accidental 3.32%
separate 2.79%
heavy 2.79%
random 2.34%
mass 2.11%
second 2.04%
sporadic + n. >>共 357
clash 12.53%
gunfire 10.53%
violence 9.37%
shooting 4.56%
attack 4.26%
protest 2.41%
incident 2.16%
fire 2.11%
artillery 1.85%
firing 1.80%
每页显示:    共 90