61.   My brother spoke the truth.

62.   Never do these nations speak the truth that sanctions, which hurt the ordinary Iraqi, would be lifted almost instantly if Saddam lived up to his inspection promises.

63.   Nobody who has spent as much as two hours strolling through Moscow could doubt that she speaks the truth.

64.   No one spoke the truth the way he did.

65.   Official art, in real life, rarely speaks truth to power.

66.   Or should he simply be accepted as a flawed human being with exceptional athletic talent and the courage to speak the truth?

67.   Patricia Smith did not speak truth to power or to anyone else in this space.

68.   People were afraid to make mistakes, hesitant to speak the truth.

69.   Prophets, it is said, speak truth to power.

70.   People who speak truth to power.

v. + truth >>共 367
tell 34.01%
know 7.33%
speak 4.34%
learn 2.73%
reveal 2.46%
discover 2.19%
find 2.07%
stretch 1.77%
uncover 1.73%
hide 1.69%
speak + n. >>共 276
language 26.06%
mind 15.34%
volume 14.12%
word 11.45%
truth 5.11%
name 3.12%
line 1.54%
dialect 1.49%
engagement 1.36%
term 0.72%
每页显示:    共 112